more pics i received thru email....TIGLETS...

well, the story goes that this female tiger's cubs were stillborn, and she went into a terrible depression, wouldnt the zoo keepers searched for some orphans to replace her cubs, and all they could come up with were some they wrapped the piglets in tiger skins, and voila! mom and babies doing fine....i have no idea if this is true or not....but thought the pics were cute....
These are wonderful pictures. Thanks for sharing them with all of us. :)
I know they do this with orphaned animals and bereft mothers, but a TIGER? And PIGLETS? Sounds like supper for a stripey big cat!
By the way, there's a lion-at-the-zoo story on my blog, something I saw with my own eyes and still don't believe.
Awwww, the pictures are adorable!!
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