Wednesday, August 30, 2006

College Football starts this Saturday!

ok...blogger is acting up again!

ok, i have tried to post twice today, this being the 3rd shows they were published, but they arent appearing on my gonna do this one with no pics and see if that is the hold up! been really busy running Mego around, hopefully next semester all her classes can be in one building....after nearly 3 years i finally got a "handicap" plate for my is that more convenient...duh! but here is something i dont understand...ever notice that there are no buggy returns close to the handicap parking? what is the point of having the spaces close to the store only to have to walk a mile to return the cart? doesnt bother i am just the driver....but for someone with a handicap who drives this would present a problem i would think...update on the diet that began on 8/14??...well...i have lost 5lbs....hoodia still hasnt arrived, ordered it on the 15th sent email to the company...waiting reply. still avoiding carbs, but not all together...watching calorie intake and not eating after 5pm.....thought i had blown it this weekend....went to the lake, had multiple drinks....(captian morgan and diet coke..of course)...but avoided the Waffle House! yeah!....stayed on the houseboat...saw a lot of folks i used to hang out with durring my second childhood, (prior to Meg's accident)...nothing has changed with them....but i realized that i really didnt miss those days so much.....once a year is fine by me! hey ...maybe i am growing up...


i love a guy in uniform!

so young so cute....thank you fellow bloggers, not sure who i got this picture tell me someone what is it from? looks like it from homicide life on the streets?

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

was it good for you ???

well...this is "it"...blogger didnt put the pic in the first time around!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Well i like most art...MC Escher, being a favorite

M.C. Escher was a Dutch graphic artist, most recognized for spatial illusions, impossible buildings, repeating geometric patterns (tessellations). Born in 1898 and died in 1972. He didn't consider himself an artist or mathematician. In Escher's work what you see the first time isn't all there is to see.....The first time i ever heard about him was in college, i had a poster that was really cool, but i cant find it on the web anywhere, i think it was a take off on Escher's "Reptiles" but it had the JOB or J<>B papier trademark in it if i recall...anyway here are a couple of "Real" M.C. Escher's...not sure what the 1st one is called, the 2nd one is Another World III, then Drawing Hands, and the last is the Reptile one. Now i think Bobby would like these!...

I like distinctive voices...

As a teenager in the '70's i was a rock and roller...NOT into the Disco scene at all..and although i do still enjoy my "classic" rock....(dont you hate that we are that old that our music is classic!!!!!!!!!) i have a few absolute favorites, and latest word is that Van Morrison is touring the US this year! i did have the opportunity to see Joe Cocker a few years back at Music Midtown, in Atlanta...i made a perfect fool out of myself when he played "you can leave your hat on..." what a song!....i also like John Mayer.......and i wonder if promoted correctly if i will add Taylor Hicks to my list...? he certainly has the potential to be, IF they have him follow in the path of the above great singers!

more pics i received thru email....TIGLETS...

well, the story goes that this female tiger's cubs were stillborn, and she went into a terrible depression, wouldnt the zoo keepers searched for some orphans to replace her cubs, and all they could come up with were some they wrapped the piglets in tiger skins, and voila! mom and babies doing fine....i have no idea if this is true or not....but thought the pics were cute....

Speaking of diets: a friend sent me this joke.....

I used to have a Labrador retriever & I was buying a large bag of Purina at Walmart and was in line to check out. A woman behind me asked if I had a dog(?).On impulse, I told her that no, I was starting The Purina Diet again, although I probably shouldn't because I'd ended up in the hospital last time; but that I'd lost 50 pounds before I awakened in an intensive care ward with tubes coming out of most of my orifices and IV's in both arms. I told her that it was essentially a perfect diet and that the way that it works is to load your pants pockets with Purina nuggets and simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry & that the food is nutritionally complete so I was going to try it again.I have to mention here that practically everyone in the line was by now enthralled with my story, particularly a tall, guy who was behind her. Horrified, she asked if I'd been poisoned, and was that the reason for my being hospitalized. I told her no, I'd been sitting in the street licking my private parts and a car hit me.I thought the big guy was going to have to stagger out the door he was laughing so hard. by the way ladies...4 days on the diet, lost 2lbs....which i am sure is just water weight...but a pound is a pound to me!...the hoodia has not arrived i am doing this purely on will power....banana's and salad! i am starting my own diet craze!...but for some reason whenever i diet, i get horrible leg i am having a banana a day to help with potassium....seems to be working ok...cant seem to find any different pics of our guy on google...where else to you get them?

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

does eating cake before dawn count?

okay folks ....the diet has begun! GOAL 40lbs realistic goal 25lbs,but will be content with 15lbs off ... anyway the diet began this am with 2 cups of coffee sweetened with sugar substitute, and cream substitute, and .....the last slice of Bday cake.(at 5am) so ....i will not bore you guys with the details daily, but i have been 7 hours now with no carbs! it is lunch time and so far so good!... no carbs shall pass these lips....wish me luck! honestly if i could just drop a pound a week i would be happy..

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

lost in the eyes

The eyes look right thru you


i really dont mind repeats! again again again! (can you tell that i LOVE this picture?)

ok, so it was my birthday on sunday

this is what my friend sent a joke??? not so funny, cuz i really can relate! BABY BOOMER HIT PARADE!

It's been fun being a baby boomer ... until now. Some of the artists of the '60s are revising their hits with new lyrics to accommodate aging baby boomers. They include: 1. Herman's Hermits--- Mrs. Brown, You've Got a Lovely Walker. 2. The Bee Gees--- How Can You Mend a Broken Hip. 3. Bobby Darin--- Splish, Splash, I Was Havin' a Flash. 4. Ringo Starr--- I Get By With a Little Help From Depends. 5. Roberta Flack--- The First Time Ever I Forgot Your Face.
6. Johnny Nash--- I Can't See Clearly Now. 7. Paul Simon--- Fifty Ways to Lose Your Liver . 8. The Commodores--- Once, Twice, Three Times to the Bathroom. 9. Marvin Gaye--- Heard It Through the Grape Nuts. 10. Procol Harem--- A Whiter Shade Of Hair. 11. Leo Sayer--- You Make Me Feel like napping 12. The Temptations --- Papa's Got a Kidney Stone. 13. Abba--- Denture Queen. 14. Tony Orlando--- Knock 3 Times On The Ceiling If You Hear Me Fall. 15. Helen Reddy--- I Am Woman, Hear Me Snore.
16. Leslie Gore--- It's My Procedure, and I'll Cry If I Want To. 17. Willie Nelson--- On the Commode Again .

Bugged eyed Georgians

why is it that the crazy folks that make the news from georgia, all look like they have a thyroid problem? 1st picture is cynthia mckinney, state representative(voted out this term!) famous for hitting a cop when she didnt show proper id and he detained her from enetering a federal building, and 2nd jennifer willbanks, the infamous runaway bride who claimed she was kidnapped, when in actuality she had cold feet.

hoodia...this is what i found on it


lunch time!

ok...i am hungry and that got me thinking about food of course! so i decided to make a list of some of my favorites. i have lived in the north, and in the south and i have a British here i go:
South: grits with lots of butter salt and pepper...yummy, nothing better after a night out on the town.(especially at the Waffle House at 3am!)
'mater sandwich! vine ripe tomato and miracle whip.....yum
fried okra!...or of course green tomatoes
real bannana pudding....the kind you bake...
North : Whoopie pies, drakes cakes, funnel cakes, pier fries....w/vinegar....LOBSTER! italian subs
England:no offense to my British friends...just gotta go with what my mum served! (let me qualify this, my mum grew up durring the war and has NO IDEA what a spice is, unless it is salt or pepper...)
roast beef and yorkshire pud, soft serve icecream with a cadburry "flakey"from the shore, triffle,"chips","bangers"

well, i am having a tomato sandwich....i start my diet tomorrow....famous last words! speaking of diets, anybody have one that works? the atkins (no/low carb) used to work for me, but doesnt anymore...and as you can tell by the above, my favorite foods are what put the extra weight on!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Hello and good Monday to you all!

doesnt this look like that is what he is saying???

A Maine Cowboy

Saturday, August 12, 2006

1 thing my town of lawrenceville is known for

the historic courthouse was updated since the infamous shooting of larry flynt
Lawrenceville was one of many venues in the nation where Hustler magazine publisher Larry Flynt faced obscenity charges in the late 1970s. On March 6, 1978, during a lunch break in his Lawrenceville trial, he and his local attorney Gene Reeves were shot by a sniper near the courthouse. Both survived, though Flynt was seriously disabled. Imprisoned serial killer Joseph Paul Franklin claims to have been the shooter, but has never been charged in the case. A heavily fictionalized treatment of the shooting can be seen in the 1996 movie The People vs. Larry Flynt.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Countdown to football season!

although i am not a HUGE fan of the sport...i do like my Georgia Bulldogs! Even went to New Orleans a few years back to see them in the Sugarbowl...of course it was New Years Eve weekend, and it was New the Dawgs win was just icing on the cake! we live about a half hour away from the Athens campus, so we go to the home games every chance we get...the tailgate parties alone are worth the trip!goooooooooooooooooodawgs! whoof whoof whoof!

midnight in the garden of good and evil

definatley one of my favorite books and one of my most favorite movies, and they say that you can tour Savannah and run into the "real" characters: below is a where they are now i found on the link below....very interesting, if you happen to be a fan!

Emma and Lee Adler: They still live on Monterey Square, next door to the Mercer House. They have been honored a number of times since 1994 for their preservation efforts. Last year, they published a book, "Savannah Renaissance," that retraced the city's historic preservation movement. They also declined to be interviewed.
John Berendt: He began coming to Savannah in the early 1980s because the airfare to get here was less than an entree at trendy New York restaurants. He was a columnist for "Esquire" magazine when "Midnight" was released. He now frequently travels to Venice where he's working on another book.
The Bird Girl: She stood in isolation in Bonaventure Cemetery for more than 50 years – until "Midnight" was published. Three months later, she had to be moved as droves of visitors and tourists swarmed over adjacent plots to take her photograph. She resides now in the Telfair Museum. Her image graces many of its catalogs and brochures.
Emma Kelly: "The Lady of 6,000" songs was one of the book's most endearing characters. She was a friend of Johnny Mercer and sang his songs at her piano lounge. In 1995, she sang some of Mercer's songs at the New York JVC Jazz Festival. She died in January of 2001.
The Lady Chablis: The sassy drag queen's shows at Club One Jefferson remain sell-outs. Chablis played herself in the movie. Her autobiography, "Hiding My Candy," was released in 1996. Chablis now lives in West Columbia, S.C.
Spencer Lawton: He has served as Chatham County district attorney since 1981. He was the prosecuting attorney at all four of Williams' murder trials. He declined to be interviewed for this story.
Jack Leigh: He operates a gallery on East Oglethorpe Street and has published several highly acclaimed books of photography. But he's most widely known for his haunting image of the Bird Girl on the cover of "Midnight."
Joe Odom: An attorney, he threw legendary parties, lived in houses without the owners' permission and was always searching for a way to make money. He bought several buildings, and was once even Emma Kelly's landlord, but none of his schemes ever worked out. He died Nov. 2, 1991.
The Mercer House: Jim Williams bought the house in 1969. It was then the Alee Temple building. It was lovingly restored and became the scene of many parties. It was also used in the Oscar-winning movie "Glory." It now belongs to Williams' sister, Dorothy Kingery. She put the house up for sale in 1999, asking $8.5 million. It remains unsold.
Sonny Seiler: Also a Savannah attorney. He played a judge in the Clint Eastwood movie version of "Mighnight." He has also gained wide fame as the owner of UGA, the series of bulldogs that have served as mascots for the University of Georgia. In the movie, UGA V actually plays his dad, UGA IV. UGA gained his own measure of fame when he appeared on the cover of Sports Illustrated's football edition in October of 1996.
Jim Williams: On May 2, 1981, Williams fatally shot Danny Lewis Hansford at their home, the Mercer House, at 429 Bull St. Williams' four subsequent murder trials are a central element of the book. He was finally acquitted on May 12, 1989. Less than a year later, on Jan. 14, 1990, he was found dead at the Mercer House. An autopsy revealed "some type of pneumonia" killed him.
here is the website i got this from, it has a lot of info:

goodbye old friends


Thursday, August 10, 2006

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

i like it... i like it A LOT

for jojo, and her computer woes....

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Handy Man

love those hands! wish i could make this image bigger....but you guys get the gist.........

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


this is my wallpaper...i thought it was an ok pic of our guy...and i thought it was interesting to follow the arrow...naughty naughty!
been a long hot day! i see on the scout that velocity of gary is playing tonight, but i dont have that channel on my i will just have to deal with what is rerunning! take care all...