Monday, July 03, 2006

how i got here.....

well..i am writing this in order to remind myself why i got a blog in the first place! recently was being lazy and caught a marathon of LOCI on up until a few years ago i rarely watched tv...was enjoying the freedoms of an empty nest so to speak...i was married young with children by the time i was i was kinda recapturing lost youth with quite a few other women my age in the same boat...literally...hanging out at my friend susan's houseboat on lake lanier....i am lucky enough to work from home, so i would work long hours mon-thurs, and have long weekends, every weekend .......acting like a teenager, drinking too much, going out, dating...boy what a lot of fun....but, when megan had her accident, all that changed, and i am ok with that, i think i prefer being a full time mom....but anyway...since she has been my constant companion, we started watching a lot of tv together....we enjoyed all the law and orders, but LOCI always came on at a time we were watching something else....oh and we do not have divo....or whatever...if watching tv ever became THAT important in my life, i would just have to shoot myself!....anyway...the reason i am here....i guess i have watched loci out of order...and was noting the subplot....or whatever you call it, with the recurring character of nicole...and the tidbits of information they drop about det Bobby Goren's after having a dream about it...and being very bored one day..i started searching the web for anything i could find on it...that is how i stumbled into the world of blogs....and i became a voyouer(SP?) blog would link me to another, and i became fascinated with reading ....then i couldnt help myself ...i had to make a comment....which lead to creating my own...which i really doubt anyone else would ever want to read....but is better than talking to myself! so that is that! i really do want to be a writer one day...i have always said that....maybe i will get the courage to do it....and all this blogging did lead me to a site that elizabeth d'onofrio has, and that is one of my favorite reads, altough i am sure a lot of the folks on there are actually her brothers fans, i believe that there are others who really are her fans. i think if she ever makes it to Atlanta with her workshops i might go....i have always had a fear of public speaking, and exposing myself, i think the techniques she uses may actually be therapeudic for me....i am a lousy speller...who cares? to work


Blogger val said...

I got to blogging along a similar route. Funny how the inspiration usually just comes (mostly from watching VDO).

3:37 AM  
Blogger JoJo said...

Glad you are on board with us, Jacky!! :-)

1:27 PM  

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