ok Gals i am DONE talking about football

my team stinks this year...still a fan, but just shaking my head!....
i saw that Full Metal Jacket was on HBO but i could not stay up or get up as early as they were running it...and i dont have TIVO, and have never learned how to program a vcr.......way behind the times, technically.... but it has never really been a priority.
this pic is from Good Luck...i have heard the ladies at Molly talk about it, but i have never seen it.
well gotta run, my son and daughter in law are here!..
You can always talk about football with me if you want, Jacky; I'm a big fan. Although these days w/ all the NFL prima donnas, my hubby and I like college better.
I'm hoping to get Good Luck off half.com; he looks so cute in this picture!
try and see this film... it is hilarious, a brilliant movie and I heartily recommend it...
lotsa luv ann xxxxx
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