Friday, October 20, 2006
Sunday, October 15, 2006
ok Gals i am DONE talking about football

my team stinks this year...still a fan, but just shaking my head!....
i saw that Full Metal Jacket was on HBO but i could not stay up or get up as early as they were running it...and i dont have TIVO, and have never learned how to program a vcr.......way behind the times, technically.... but it has never really been a priority.
this pic is from Good Luck...i have heard the ladies at Molly talk about it, but i have never seen it.
well gotta run, my son and daughter in law are here!..
Monday, October 09, 2006 much as i hate to say it...
i do beleive the Florida Gators are gonna take the SEC this year. we lost to Tennessee, in a really good close game until the end, what was the coach thinking putting the 3rd string QB in ????we ended up getting creamed...Auburn lost to Arkansas, and Florida beat the crap out of LSU...i probably wont watch any more this season it is too, too sad....oh and the Ga- Florida game has been referred to in the past as the worlds largest cocktail party, they hold the game in "neutral" territory every year so as to house the Zillions of fans that go to this game...well this year the commissioner, or some other ranking fellow, has decided that the game can no longer be promoted as the "cocktail" party, because they dont want to promote the name is gonna make the difference!...c'mon it is the South, it is Rednecks, it is tailgating, it is is drinking! hello..
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Dear Blogger, you are stressing me out! but i have figured out a way to get around your constant clocking of 0% files downloaded....this may help others: if you are trying to publish a post and you get the "clock" that pops up to say how much "publishing" is completed.....just go up to the edit file, click on the one you were working, and publish again....VOILA! it will publish quicker.
hope this as far as molly's site goes, well i think we have just clogged it up with all our VDO love!...